Chinese punctuation


Chinese punctuation


Chinese punctuation adopts a different set of punctuation marks and rules of using punctuation from English to organize modern written Chinese. Traditional poetry and calligraphy maintains the punctuation-free style.

与英文不同,中文采用不同的标点符号和标点符号使用方法来规划现代书面汉语。 传统汉语诗歌和书法保持无标点符号的格式。

All Chinese characters are written to a uniform size, and this size also extends to punctuation marks, so Chinese punctuation marks usually take up more space than their English counterparts.


Common Chinese Punctuation Marks


Here are the most commonly used Chinese punctuation marks:


1.  Full Stop 句号

The Chinese full stop句号 (jù hào) is a small circle that takes the space of one Chinese character.

It is used to indicate the completion of a simple sentence, complex sentence or shortened sentence.



Here are example:例句如下:

Please help me to buy a cup of coffee.


It is getting cold, we should wear more clothes.


Who did this? She.


2. Comma 逗号

The Mandarin name of the Chinese comma is 逗号 (dòu hào). The function is the same as the English comma to indicate pauses or to separate clauses within a sentence.

Chinese comma的普通话名称是逗号(dòuhào)。 中文逗号的功能与英文逗号相同,在句子中都用于表示暂停或将从句从主句中分隔开。

Here are some examples: 例句如下:

If it does not rain, we will go to the park.


3. Enumeration Comma 顿号

The enumeration comma (dunhao) is used to separate list items in a sentence. The listed items are usually in the same category. Chinese do not use commas in this situation which is different from English. It is the same function as “and”.

顿号(dunhao)用于分隔句子中同类的并列内容。 罗列出的内容通常在同一类别中。 在此情况下中文与英语不同,不使用逗号。 顿号与“和”的功能相同。

In the basket, there are apples, pears, peaches and strawberry.


4. Colon 冒号

Modern Chinese borrowed the use of colon 冒号(mao hao) from European language. The writing looks quite similar, but they have a slight difference. The Chinese colon “ :”, the two dots are closer than the colon “:” in European language.

现代中文对于冒号(mao hao)的使用方法是从欧洲语言借鉴而来。 中文和欧洲语言对于冒号的写法看起来很相似,但其中存在微小的差别。 中文冒号写做“:”,这两个点比欧洲语言中的冒号“:” 挨的更近。

The most common use of the colon is to inform the reader that what follows the colon proves, explains, or lists elements of what preceded it. For example, one can use a colon after an independent clause to direct attention to a list, an appositive, or a quotation.

冒号最常见的用途是告诉读者冒号后面的内容证明,解释或列出了之前的哪些内容。 例如,作者可以在独立从句后使用冒号将读者注意力引向一个列举的从句,同位语或引用语。

Mr. Wang pointed out that if you want to study well, you have to work hard and think more.


5. Question Mark 问号

The question mark 问号(wenhao)is pretty much the same as in English which is used as an indicator of a question sentence. However, it can also be used for indirect question.

中文问号(wenhao)与英文问号几乎相同,都用于表示一个句子是问句。 但其也可以用于间接问句。

For example: 例句如下:

Did you go to school?


Whether or not he has interest? It is the most important question.


6. Double Angle Quote 书名号

The double angle quote 书名号 (shuminghao)are used outside the name of a book, movie, play, newspaper, magazine,etc.


For example: 例如:

Movie Mission Impossible


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