
Native Speaking Translators

We have a network of over 2,000 translators in 200+ languages who are certified, qualified bilingual native speakers. We have carefully selected only the best from our 20 years of experience. They are selected based on their experience and certified credentials. As the global market becomes more competitive, the LA Translation and Interpretation understands the importance of communicating your message accurately.

Meeting all your translation needs

Whatever your needs-whether it be for a Spanish translation service, Chinese translation service, French translation service or another language translation services- we have the best blend of resources to get the job done, from the smallest project to the largest and the most demanding. We provide certified translation of birth certificates and diplomas for immigration and court purposes and also, the highest quality translation of patents and academic articles.

Among a few of the languages offered…

Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese